Follow me

“He said to him, ‘If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.'” — (JOHN, 21.22)

1. In Christian work communities, we often observe companions highly concerned with the tasks assigned to other fellow fighters.

2. However, it’s fair to examine how the world would improve if each person focused on their own duties, common responsibilities, with perfection and sincerity.

3. Has one of our friends been called for different duties? Comfort them with legitimate understanding.

4. Sometimes, one of them appears changed in our eyes. There are cooperators who accuse them. Many consider them carriers of dangerous temptations. Comments and judgments rush.

5. Who, however, will penetrate the field of causes? Are we in the elevated condition of one who can analyze an event from all angles? Perhaps what appears as a fall or defection might represent new resolutions of Jesus regarding the redemption of the friend who now seems distant.

6. The Good Shepherd remains vigilant. He promised that none of the sheep entrusted to Him by the Father will be lost.

7. Therefore, it is essential for us to attend to the duties assigned to us perfectly. Each one needs to know their own obligations.

8. In this pattern of knowledge and attitude, there is always much noble work to be done.

9. If a brother appears to have strayed in your mortal eyes, do your best to heed the words of Jesus to the fisherman from Capernaum: “What is that to you? You follow Me.”